Cheese and Nutella Grilled Sandwich

Cheese & Nutella Grilled Sandwich
Cheese & Nutella Grilled Sandwich

What makes Cheese and Nutella Grilled Sandwich so good?

Cheese and Nutella Grilled Sandwich makes a perfect warm breakfast or an evening snack. Nutella is just so soothing and that chocolatey taste is absolutely wonderful. It’s my go-to spread when I’m yearning for something sweet or prepping up for desserts. Right from cookies, shakes, desserts and now sandwich.

This sandwich is crunchy, melt in the mouth and makes a perfect savoury – sweet snack. Cheese and Nutella go really well together for this recipe. Sometimes it’s okay to get a little sinful and indulge in some delicious snacks and there’s nothing like it… When you have some Cheese and Nutella loaded rather overloaded…

I have some wonderful recipes with Nutella you may want to try:

Cheese Grilled Nutella Sandwich Recipe


  • 4 Bread slices
  • 1 cup Nutella or as desired
  • Butter as desired 
  • 1 cup grated cheese (processed)
  • Cucumber to serve along


  • Butter your bread slices.
  • Apply Nutella on all slices.
  • Stuff grated cheese.
  • Grill in a toaster till done.
  • Once done garnish with some more cheese and nutella and enjoy!!!!

If you do not wish to use a toaster, simply heat a pan, add some butter and toast the sandwich till both sides are nice and golden brown.

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Grilled Cheese & Nutella Sandwich

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